Here is an update from Bubba:
"Ok got started on phase one today. I had sprayed a complete can of jb blaster everywhere on the car including the engine etc.
So with a "bubba" approach we unloaded the car and started phase one (will hit it again sat) our mission is to drive this car and make it functional on a no budget approach.We removed the spark plugs and clean them with our plug blaster we use in Newport. They now are dry and look good:
Wally at work...
Installed a new battery ( 12 volt) turned the key on and spun the engine. wow not only did it turn over very smooth , the dash shows oil pressure on the gauge and using the thumb on each plug hole compression is very good and even ( thats what my helper Walt said rbg :>) ) . A quick test showed no power to the distributor and we hot wired it (positive ground) with no change. A quick look see and off the distributor came.
WOW some body has done some serious work on this unit and it actually taught me a couple things ( I try to learn something new every day)

The timing had been advanced to the limit and then pinned into location with a cotter pin , pics show this cotter pin.
Also the vac piston had been removed and the inside advance was ground on in a few spots to add some advance as well.
I placed the unit on a tester and it was misfiring all over the place (multi lights ).
Not wishing to do anything but make it run i cleaned the points in my ultra sonic tank , not much wear on the contacts and filed them to reinstall. I might add here that every connection was poor and offered a poor connection. So I blasted the condensor, tested it on a machine and blasted all connections and re ran unit on the machine. Adjusted and cleaned unit works very well on the machine now.. I also tested the coil while off the distributor and it also tests well with good output.
Stay tuned as we will reinstall the distributor and wires ( may use the old ones just for grins) and start working on the fuel system sat morning.
And just for the record the horn shown in another post works very well , kinda spooky pushing the horn button and hearing the old Ford horn."