Thursday, November 17, 2011

Its Alive!!!

So on went the distributor, and we had good spark. With a quick puff of carb cleaner, it started, sorta. Since it wants to run, we took off the fuel pump, cleaned it up and bench tested it. It worked great, so back on it went also. A short hose from the pump to. Gas can...hit the starter button and....

It just purrs right along! So we got it up to temp. There vwas a little blow by, but had good steady vacuum! We added a quart of Kreen tonic to try and clean everything from the inside out. The plan now is to let it run a little more and change the oil and add more Kreen, rinse and repeat.

Also the tires showed up and look great! They should go on soon.

Stay tuned, its getting exciting!