Friday, March 4, 2011

The Plan

If you have ever built a car, or had a project vehicle you know that you must have a plan. You also know that the plan ALWAYS changes. Here is my plan' or should I say, here WAS my plan:

I did not have much cash, but I had a cool vehicle to sell.  I had this:
So, the plan was, sell the van and get a complete Model A Tudor Sedan.  Bubba had enough Flathead pieces I could buy so I was going to try to piece together a complete engine, and drivetrain an little at a time.  Once it was complete, drop it in and go. 

As everyone knows its a bad time to try and sell stuff.  I was not having much luck.  I had a few offers for trade on Model A's but they all fell thru eventually. 

I decided I would drive the van this summer, and have fun with it and still work on piecing together a Flathead drivetrain. 

Then out of the blue I started getting some nibbles, people were interested in the van!  I then got a message from Bubba, saying he thought I needed to talk to him about the van before I got rid of it.  Here is where the plan changes...

After talking with him, we agreed on a trade.  He gets the van, and I walk away with a just built 8BA Flathead, fresh from the builder, and all the goodies, along with a toploader 3 speed transmission.  Set up on a stand and running.  So, now I have a killer complete drivetrain, but nothing to put it in...oh boy. 

So the crew decided that now I will piece together a chassis and hopefully end up with something similar to this...

Then all I need is a body.  See where this is going now?  Change in plans is not always a bad thing...

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